Biyernes, Oktubre 4, 2013

My Shading Technique ( exercise no.4 The Nine Techniques)

Exercise no.4
The Nine Technique

In this exercise, we are task to draw 10 trees consistently. After we draw a tree ,we need to apply the nine techniques of shading that our instructor teach us. One tree per one technique and the last tree is for the combination of 2 or 3 techniques.

My Human Creation ( exercise no. 3 The Human Face)

Exercise no.3
 The Human Face

In this exercise, we are task to draw the human face and  we need to do it step by step. In the last step we need to apply the best hair style that we want in order to make a final face of a boy and a girl.

Real object (exercise no .2 bottle and plants with shading)

Exercise no. 2
( Bottle and Plants with Shading)
In this exercise, our instructor task us to draw the bottle and plants that was place in front of the table. we need to draw those bottle and plants with respect to what we see. in this activity, we apply shading.

my own representation (exercise no. 1 visualization)

Exercise no.1

In this exercise, our instructor give us abstract words and let us draw a concrete object that represent those words . after we draw, we need to make an explanation of why we choose those object to represent the words.